Mayflower singers start a new season with our Choral Director, Phil Johnson. During a get-acquainted rehearsal in November, Phil established a comfortable rapport with the chorus. He understands our unique performing style. Phil brings impressive credentials both academic ( conducting and M.Mus candidate) and experiential. He has taught piano, voice, cello and music theory in Minnesota and in London.
In London he founded and led a 60 voice gospel choir and 50 piece orchestra. He has directed music and theater at various churches in Minnesota, London, Toronto and California, currently at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Pacifica.
In London he founded and led a 60 voice gospel choir and 50 piece orchestra. He has directed music and theater at various churches in Minnesota, London, Toronto and California, currently at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Pacifica.
The Mayflower Choral Society Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 to benefit people from the local community who have exhibited a talent or a strong interest in music and want to further develop their musical knowledge and/or talent. Annual scholarship opportunities are typically announced in mid March, with an application deadline of late April.
We work to enrich our community's quality of life with programs beyond our staged performances. Mayflowers Chorus was proud to present a check for $525 to the Godmothers at St. Vincent's School for Boys. The Godmothers make sure resident boys enjoy birthday celebrations and other family-living-style "extras."
The Mayflower regularly invites new people to join its 70-member chorus. Currently we have openings for tenors, baritones and basses, and keep an active waiting list for interested altos and sopranos. There is no formal audition, but we do ask you to meet and sing for the director so we can determine your vocal range.
Over the years the Mayflower Chorus has been committed to bringing our music to not only Marin County, Northern California and the United States but also to the world. To that end we have performed in Prague, Portugal, Ireland, Cuba and most recently Croatia. We are looking forward to many more venues, both domestic and international.
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